Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Cuttin' Edge - "Face Down"

Straight out of Scotland’s capital Edinburgh, comes CUTTIN’ EDGE, a brand new outfit that consists out of skin, punk and metalheads! Besides the looks, this is something you can definitely hear back on the band’s debut LP “FACE DOWN” as well, which is up for pre-order right now!

Take The Exploited’s “Beat The Bastards”, a whole lot of Motörhead and a variety of classic British punk ranging from Anti Nowhere League to Discharge and you might have a slight idea of what CUTTIN’ EDGE will sound like. One thing is for sure though, it’s loud, brute and in your face! So make sure to turn up the volume, play it loud and raise hell because CUTTIN’ EDGE is here and they’re here to stay with their impressive to the boot debut “FACE DOWN”!

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